
Transmittance is light incident on a sample that transmits through it. If the sample has low scatter (as with a clean, dilute solution), almost all the light not absorbed or reflected will be transmitted. Transmittance measurements are useful in characterizing translucent or transparent samples.

Use Ocean Optics Spectrometers for Transmittance


  • Configurability – useable with transmission probes, sample holders
  • Simplicity – easy to use and understand
  • Versatility – readily converted for absorbance measurements


  • Characterization of glass optical filters and windows
  • Measurement of clear solvents
  • QC of thin films and coatings in electronics manufacturing

Transmittance Measurement Setup

Here’s an example transmittance system comprising a light source, optical fibers and sampling accessories. For the latter, options include an in-line filter holder and an adjustable collimating lens holder (ideal for extra-thick or larger samples).


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