Today’s flagship spectrometers from Ocean Optics – the Flame, Ocean HDX and Ocean FX models – offer all the best features of our longtime USB2000+/USB4000 series spectrometers, but with better performance and greater versatility, at lower cost.
Ocean Optics USB series spectrometers have performed at a high level over a remarkable two-decade run, ranking them among the most popular spectrometers ever. The innovations that customer demand has inspired over the years – including improvements to optical benches, more robust optoelectronics and replaceable slits — are today reflected in the three superior spectrometers comprising our flagship UV-Vis-NIR product offerings.
Explore the Power of Modular Spectrometers
Best for …
Suitable Spectrometer
Performance Characteristics
Configuration Options
General-purpose Flexibility Integration
High thermal stabilityLow unit-to-unit variabilityShortwave NIR Teaching lab versions